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"Can't I just figure this out on my own?" key questions travel hacking Feb 29, 2024

Once you hear about Travel Hacking, a question that might quickly come to your mind is, "Can't I just figure this out on my own?" Maybe you've browsed through my website and wondered why you need a course to figure out something that seems pretty simple and self-explanatory: Just sign up for credit cards, earn travel rewards from your spending, and...

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What is Travel Hacking? key questions travel hacking Feb 19, 2024

You're likely asking a very common question... What is Travel Hacking!? Typically, when we think of "hacking", we think of bad things like computer hacking! A hack actually isn't a bad thing like you might naturally think or assume though. By definition, a hack is simply a strategy or technique for managing one's time or activities more efficiently. ...

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