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"Can't I just figure this out on my own?"

key questions travel hacking Feb 29, 2024

Once you hear about Travel Hacking, a question that might quickly come to your mind is, "Can't I just figure this out on my own?" Maybe you've browsed through my website and wondered why you need a course to figure out something that seems pretty simple and self-explanatory: Just sign up for credit cards, earn travel rewards from your spending, and earn free travel - What's so hard about that!?

In one way, you're right! You probably could figure parts of this out on your own, but that would require so much trial and error through learning lessons the hard way. When I first discovered travel reward points year ago, I did everything wrong... I signed up for the wrong cards, then I signed up for other cards in the wrong order, and then I wasted all of my travel points by redeeming them for really low value. It wasn't until I paid for a Travel Hacking Course (Which cost $150) that I moved from travel point mistakes to Travel Hacking mastery and earned over 1.2 Million Travel Rewards Points in a year!

Travel Hacking is simple, but it does require strategy! There are over 90 different travel credit cards on the market. Knowing which cards are worth it, which cards to get, and what order to get them in is the difference of thousands of dollars in rewards.

So here are four reasons why you shouldn't try to figure this out on your own:

1. I'll Save You Time

You could spend dozens of hours scouring Travel Hacking blogs, listening to hours of podcasts, and deep-diving into Travel Hacking communities. The problem with that is even after you've consumed and compiled all of that information, you also have to spend time and sort through what's the way forward for you and your travel goals. I've invested hundreds of hours in honing my knowledge and refining it in a streamlined way that is clear, accessible, and gives clear action steps from start to finish in each of my courses. So rather than investing all the time on your own, you could learn from my courses in 2.5 hours. I've also intentionally designed each lesson to be 5-15 minutes, you can easily fit one in whenever you have a free moment at home, work, school, and more.

2. I'll Save You From Mistakes

I would hate for you to blindly stumble through this for several years like I did at the beginning. Without a proper understanding of the strategy to layer & leverage credit card rewards, you can make mistakes that cost you thousands of dollars in travel rewards. I've taken everything that I've learned the hard way and now guide people each step of the way with best practices and helpful tools to save you from key mistakes. Beyond learning from me in the courses, each student also has access to our exclusive Travel Multiplier Community to gain ongoing support, coaching, and inspiration from worldwide travelers.

3. I'll Save Your Points

Not all points are created equal - That's a foundational principle that many people miss. On your own, you could be earning less valuable travel rewards, or redeeming your rewards for poor value. That might earn you one big trip ever or one trip per year if you're lucky. Rather than settling for that, I'll teach you how to redeem your points for maximum redemption value, which makes luxurious travel possible. It will also help your points go further by only spending a fraction of your points on multiple trips per year.

4. I'll Save You Money

When you master Travel Hacking, you almost have more travel rewards than you know what to do with - That's an amazing problem to have! Imagine what you could do with the money you're no longer spending on travel and vacations. You could pay off your house quicker, you could invest more toward retirement, save up for a new car, or even have some extra spending money. If all you did was learn & follow the basics of my Launch Course, the average family can earn $2,000-$3,000 in free travel - You'll likely earn significantly more than that for years to come! I'm so convinced that your small investment in purchasing my course will earn you hundreds and thousands of dollars in value, that I offer a full money-back guarantee on all of them! If you don't like, benefit from, or find value in the course, I'll give you a full refund... No questions asked!

Having known what it feels like to not be able to afford to travel, I'm now really passionate about helping as many people as possible experience the life-changing opportunities that Travel Hacking opens up to you! Don't do it alone... Let's do it together!


This is just the beginning...

Beyond everything you learn for free in my Weekly Newsletter, I offer two options, with one incredible result: Free Travel!

I'd love to make your travel dreams a reality! I offer both an On-Demand Travel Hacking Course and One-on-One Travel Hacking Coaching to help you enjoy the freedom of free travel!

I've have helped countless people learn how to travel for free with Travel Hacking, and I'd love to help you next!

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