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Discovering The Freedom of Free Travel travel hacking Sep 14, 2024

You've likely scrolled through social media this Summer and seen all kinds of family members and friends taking dream vacations. Before I discovered Travel Hacking, I would always look at those and envy the freedom that they had to travel. Oftentimes, freedom plays a big, unseen role in travel. Freedom of time & money, freedom to relax, freedom of...

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How Travel Hacking Coaching Makes All The Difference coaching travel hacking Aug 17, 2024

Travel Hacking is simple, but it does require strategy. With over 90 different Travel Rewards Credit Cards on the market, it can feel stressful, confusing, and challenging to figure out which cards are worth it, which cards to get, and in what order to get them. Plus getting it right or wrong is the difference of thousands of dollars in travel...

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The Power of Shopping Portals for Travel Hacking travel hacking Aug 09, 2024

When it comes to Travel Hacking, maximizing every opportunity to earn points and miles can make a world of difference. One often-overlooked strategy is using shopping portals for extra points during online shopping. These online platforms offer travelers a chance to earn extra rewards for everyday purchases, accelerating their path to free travel. By...

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Top 10 Travel Hacking Mistakes to Avoid top 10 lists travel hacking Aug 01, 2024

Travel Hacking is simple, but it does require strategy. You have to sequentially do the right things, in the right way, at the right time to experience the full benefits. Otherwise, core mistakes can cost you greatly and cause you to miss out on entire free trips! So make sure that you avoid these Top 10 mistakes that many people often make.


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Never Settle for Budget Travel Options travel hacking Jul 18, 2024

Many people want to get away and be refreshed on a vacation, but the costs involved keep them from traveling, or even worse, force them to go into debt for travel. This has led to the rise of two popular strategies: Budget Travel and Travel Hacking. While both approaches attempt to minimize expenses, Budget Travel gives you low-price options that...

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Top 10 Benefits of Travel Hacking top 10 lists travel hacking Jul 05, 2024

Travel Hacking can change everything for you! It will empower you to leverage your everyday expenses for free travel - flights, hotels, cruises, resorts, rental cars, excursions, and more! Once you begin, you'll likely ask the question, "How have I been missing out on this for so long!?" Beyond the overall benefit of free travel, let's look at the...

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Creative Ways to Earn Points through Everyday Spending best practices travel hacking Jun 13, 2024

When you begin Travel Hacking, you're now making your money work for you! Which means that the money you already spend now earns you free travel, so that you don't have to spend money on travel anymore. One of the first skills you begin to develop is learning how to strategically channel your everyday expenses through the right cards to be able to...

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Get Buy One, Get One Free Plane Tickets flights travel hacking Jun 06, 2024

The Southwest Companion Pass is one of the most sought after deals in domestic travel, because it allows one other person to fly free with you on unlimited flights for up to two years! Whether you're paying with cash or points, flying coach or business class, your companion flies for free! That instantly creates a scenario where all your Southwest...

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How Can I Afford to Travel? travel hacking May 23, 2024

Maybe you live such a busy, stressed life that you find yourself wanting & needing a vacation. Unfortunately, even if you can carve out the time, you don't have the money to make it possible. That can leave you feeling discouraged, frustrated, and envious of others who are getting to travel while you're stuck at home....

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How to Redeem Your Travel Points for Maximum Value travel hacking travel points May 16, 2024

Many families can easily earn over 500,000 travel rewards points through Travel Hacking in a year. Those 500,000 points could be worth around $5,000 of free travel, or if you learn to maximize the redemption value, they could be worth over $25,000 in free travel! Knowing how to redeem points at a good value can keep you from wasting your...

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What Travel Hacking is NOT... travel hacking travel points Apr 11, 2024

It can be really easy to see, hear, or observe Travel Hacking from a distance and let your imagination run wild with assumptions and objections to it. If you start running down that road, you can easily arrive at a number of wrong conclusions... So I want to quickly walk through what Travel Hacking is not so that you can gain better clarity on...

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10 Mind-Blowing Opportunities with Travel Points top 10 lists travel hacking travel points Apr 05, 2024

There is no one-size-fits-all way to engage in Travel Hacking... There is a world of possibility in front of you, and you get to choose whatever type of travel and vacation that you would most enjoy! You can fly around the world, relax at a tropical paradise, take your family to Disney, go on a cruise, rent a cabin at a ski resort, and much...

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