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How Travel Hacking Coaching Makes All The Difference

coaching travel hacking Aug 17, 2024

Travel Hacking is simple, but it does require strategy. With over 90 different Travel Rewards Credit Cards on the market, it can feel stressful, confusing, and challenging to figure out which cards are worth it, which cards to get, and in what order to get them. Plus getting it right or wrong is the difference of thousands of dollars in travel rewards. That’s where having a coach makes all the difference - someone who can guide you step by step and save you time, money, and frustration.

The "just tell me what to do" option.

Many people want to experience the results of free travel through Travel Hacking, but don't have the time or interest to take my Travel Hacking Course. They often say, "I love this & want this, but I just want you to tell me what to do without me having to learn all the ins and outs of Travel Hacking". That's exactly why I began offering Travel Hacking Coaching on the side, and then later launched it as a product. I'll invest my time & expertise so you don't have to invest time in learning & doing everything. I'll guide you each step of the way to take you from start to finish for a honeymoon, anniversary trip, international adventure, family vacation, cruise, and more. If you are the "Just tell me what to do" type of person, this is perfect for you!

The Coaching Difference

1. I'll Save You Time

You don’t have to learn on your own. I've invested hundreds of hours in mastering Travel Hacking and refining it in a streamlined way that is clear, accessible, and gives clear action steps from start to finish in my coaching.

2. I'll Save You Money

You don’t have to keep overspending for travel. The average family earns over $3,000 in free travel. Imagine what you could do with that amount of money you're no longer spending on travel and vacations.

3. I'll Save You From Mistakes

Unlike those who figure it out as they go, you won’t have to learn the hard way. I'll guide you each step of the way with refined expertise and best practices so that you won't have to suffer common rookie mistakes that most people make on their own.

4. I'll Save You Points

You'll never run the risk of wasting your points, because I'll ensure you get the best value for the best places so that you’ll get better travel options for fewer points.

How does coaching work?

With coaching, I am the pilot you are the passenger. That means I drive and navigate the entire process, you just follow a few clear, easy instructions for a smooth and enjoyable journey. Here’s the process that you can expect when you hire me as your Travel Hacking Coach:

  • Step 1: Collect Info - Starting out, I'll collect some key info regarding your travel goals, potential travel dates, household size, spending patterns, and more so that I can know the best options that are specific & unique for you. 
  • Step 2: Explore Options - Next, I'll do all the research to deliver to you premium options with dates and destinations that you can choose from. 
  • Step 3: Earn Points - Once you choose a specific place, I'll give you a personalized one-pager that tells you which cards to get, in what order, and at what time so that you can earn all the points you need for your trip.
  • Step 4: Book Travel - Lastly, I'll walk alongside you for transferring/combining your points to book your trip.
  • Step 5: Enjoy Free Travel - Many dreams of a refreshing vacation turn into nightmares because of the cost, but my Travel Hacking Coaching unlocks the power of earning free travel, giving you the freedom to now travel to places you could only dream of before.

You're likely wondering how much time that takes... You will likely walk through this entire process in 5-7 months, spending less than one hour per month on the simple steps I give you! 

Success Stories

Here’s what one of my clients had to say after working with me: "There’s no way we could afford an all-inclusive vacation like this for our anniversary, but it was virtually FREE thanks to Tim's coaching! This would have cost us thousands, but didn’t - and he can do the same thing for you."

Stories like this aren’t uncommon - they’re the new reality for people who choose to hire me as their Travel Hacking Coach. This is just one of many stories I've been able to help create, and I'd love to help you next!

Start Your Journey Today

Now is the perfect time to get started with Travel Hacking! Whether you're looking to save money on your next vacation or you want to experience the luxury of first-class flights and five-star hotels, I can help you get there. Don’t let another day go by where your travel dreams feel out of reach. Let’s work together to make them a reality. Start Travel Hacking Coaching Now!


This is just the beginning...

Beyond everything you learn for free in my Weekly Newsletter, I offer two options, with one incredible result: Free Travel!

I'd love to make your travel dreams a reality! I offer both an On-Demand Travel Hacking Course and One-on-One Travel Hacking Coaching to help you enjoy the freedom of free travel!

I've have helped countless people learn how to travel for free with Travel Hacking, and I'd love to help you next!

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