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How Can I Afford to Travel?

travel hacking May 23, 2024
How Can I Afford to Travel?

Maybe you live such a busy, stressed life that you find yourself wanting & needing a vacation. Unfortunately, even if you can carve out the time, you don't have the money to make it possible. That can leave you feeling discouraged, frustrated, and envious of others who are getting to travel while you're stuck at home. That was my story for many years, but everything changed when I learned how to engage in Travel Hacking - I earned 1.2 Million Travel Points just in my first year! So let me walk you through two key shifts that changed everything for me, and can change everything for you as well!

Changing your Mindset

In his excellent book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki talks about a key shift in your mindset toward financial management. He says you need to shift from making a defeating statement like: "I can't afford that" to asking an innovative question: "How can I afford that?". I help people make that same mindset shift through Travel Hacking! From exasperatedly saying: "I can't afford to travel" to innovatively asking: "How can I afford to travel?".

For some of you, you might say that you can't afford to travel. If that's your situation, I would say you can't afford to miss out on Travel Hacking! When I started into this, I had less than $500 to use for our family vacation that year. Then, I made the radical decision to spend $150 of that money on enrolling in a Travel Hacking Course. That was the best money I ever spent because following that course, I was able to take multiple trips in the next year for free by traveling with the points I learned how to earn and maximize!

Channeling your Money

Travel Hacking is a strategic process to layer & leverage credit card rewards for thousands of dollars in free flights, hotels, cruises, rental cars, and more each year. It's not about spending more money or spending money that you don’t have. (You should never spend any money on a credit card that you can’t pay off that month without interest or late fees.) It's about making your money work for you! You do this by channeling everyday expenses (Gas, Groceries, Internet, Cell Phone, Utilities, Entertainment, Take Out, etc) through the right credit cards to earn thousands of dollars in free travel every year! While many people use credit cards for 1-3% Cash Back on their spending, my Double Multiplier Process empowers you to earn 5-50% return on everyday spending in ways you never knew were possible!

Simple, yet Strategic 

Travel Hacking is simple, but it does require strategy! There are over 90 different travel credit cards on the market. Knowing which cards are worth it, which cards to get, and what order to get them in is the difference of thousands of dollars in rewardsMaybe you've browsed through my website and wondered why you need a course to figure out something that seems pretty simple and self-explanatory: Just sign up for credit cards, earn travel rewards from your spending, and earn free travel - What's so hard about that!?

If you enroll in my Launch Into Travel Hacking Course, I'll save you time by teaching you everything you need to know in a clear, crisp way. I'll also save you from mistakes by guiding you from start to finish with best practices and helpful tools to save you from key mistakes. I'll definitely save your points - on your own, you could be earning less valuable travel rewards, or redeeming your rewards for poor value. That might earn you one big trip ever or one trip per year if you're lucky. Rather than settling for that, I'll teach you how to redeem your points for maximum redemption value, which makes luxurious travel possible. It will also help your points go further by only spending a fraction of your points on multiple trips per year.

Even if money is tight, you can absolutely afford to travel... Travel Hacking can make it all possible for you!


This is just the beginning...

Beyond everything you learn for free in my Weekly Newsletter, I offer two options, with one incredible result: Free Travel!

I'd love to make your travel dreams a reality! I offer both an On-Demand Travel Hacking Course and One-on-One Travel Hacking Coaching to help you enjoy the freedom of free travel!

I've have helped countless people learn how to travel for free with Travel Hacking, and I'd love to help you next!

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